Rachel Jones


I am a certified Hakomi therapist offering somatic counseling sessions in Seattle. I discovered Hakomi in 2003 after taking a workshop with one of my beloved teachers, Carol Ladas-Gaskin. I started receiving sessions at that time and it has been an immense source of support and resource in my life both professionally and personally.

I draw from my experiences working as a Structural Medicine Specialist and Massage therapist since 2004. I have also worked as a Doula, group facilitator and teacher. I am a life-long student who is committed to healing, integration and nourishment, and I am grateful to offer this support to others. This work deeply touches me and I am honored to witness the authentic experience of our humanness.

In my practice, I am committed to inclusivity and strive to provide care that meets and acknowledges your needs especially as related to your experience of race; ethnicity; gender; age; abilities; sexual orientation; size; national origin/indigenous roots; religious or spiritual beliefs; socioeconomic, marital, relationship, or immigration status; and all identities that are important to you.





My approach is collaborative. Together, we will use kindness and curiosity to gently welcome all of the different parts of you back into wholeness.

Hakomi is a method of assisted self-discovery that encourages the exploration of sensation, emotion and felt experiences in the body as well as habitual tension and movement patterns. This style of therapy brings more conscious awareness to beliefs and patterns that inhibit access to well-being. With this increased awareness comes new possibilities for healing. At the heart of Hakomi is the foundation of loving presence. This nourishing state of being opens the relational field between the client and practitioner making space for profound transformation to occur. Working with me will include periods of tuning in to body sensations and emotions, mindful reflection, active inquiry, and working with the present to understand and heal the influences of the past.

Uniquely I can incorporate Craniosacral therapy and supportive touch —with your consent— to help the healing process. Craniosacral is a very gentle manual therapy based on listening, sensing and presence to help restore normal movement to the fascial tissues of the body at each client’s own pace. The techniques bring fluid movement and optimal function to the bones, joints, tissues, organs, and central nervous system. This work can help clients feel more aligned and more at home in themselves. Clients often report a sense of deep relaxation, ease and improved alignment. Combining Craniosacral with Hakomi is deeply integrative and these modalities are very supportive to each other. The sessions are adapted individually to each person’s unique needs and preferences.


The Healing Way

Finally on my way to yes
I bump into
all the places
where I said no
to my life
all the untended wounds
the red and purple scars
those hieroglyphs of pain
carved into my skin and bones,
those coded messages
that send me down
the wrong street
again and again
where I find them,
the old wounds
the old misdirections
and I lift them
one by one
close to my heart
and I say holy

- Pesha Gertler


I offer individual sessions in my office in Seattle, WA, and virtually over Zoom.

  • 1 hour session $140

  • 1.5 hour session $160

  • Free 20 minute phone consultation

Please contact me to ask about a reduced rate. I do not bill insurance.

The Hakomi method is not about talking out your problems. There won’t be long speculative conversations about your troubles or your history. This method is designed to assist you in studying the processes that automatically create and maintain the person you have become.
— Ron Kurtz



Magical…Rachel’s work goes right to the root of issues in an extremely loving, nurturing, and helpful way. Her depth and loving presence creates a safe place for one to get to come home to their self again.

Rachel is extremely insightful, intuitive, and loving in her approach. She blends her years of training and practice in hands on work and Hakomi. She uses her innate unconditional understanding about others to provide a nurturing space for healing. She is a master!

Rachel’s sessions are always insightful and meaningful. I’m never sure what I will learn about myself, but inevitably the wisdom gained from the sessions are always profound and helpful.

Kelly Clancy, OTR/L, CHT, LMT

Rachel possesses an extraordinary breadth of knowledge about the structure of the body and the mind body connection –a skill set unmatched in any other bodyworker/therapist that I’ve ever received from. But beyond that –she has a true gift: her natural ability to hold space from a deep well of presence and loving kindness, and her willingness to share that freely with her clients. I cannot recommend her enough for everything she brings to her work.

Adam T.

Rachel is one of the best Hakomi practitioners I know. She has patience and depth and wisdom and presence. Sitting with her I often feel like the whole Earth is holding me as she is able to create with her presence so much space and love that there is room for all of me to be embraced and welcomed. She has a way of making all the hidden, exiled, shamed parts of me feel safe enough to come out of hiding, to come into the light of love and be integrated and healed. She is a gifted healer and her presence is so loving and lovely and so healing and full of grace. I am a psychotherapist with almost 20 years experience. I have also helped train future therapists. So, I know lots of therapists and healers and Rachel is among the best I have known. Anyone would be lucky to work with her. I trust Rachel immensely and would not hesitate to send my most loved family members or friends to her because I know they would be in such good and loving hands. She is a truly gifted healer.

Mark J Goodman, LMHC

My experience working with Rachel Jones using the Hakomi technique has been transformative. Through this work she helped me shift emotional memory regarding past traumas in a way that has enabled me to become free of the narratives and triggers surrounding these past experiences. This has allowed a space for me to be present unencumbered by what previously proved to be challenging and defeating. Rachel is an immensely gifted and experienced practitioner with an ability to relate emphatically, deeply and wisely. Her ability to establish trust and rapports allows her to see to the core of her patients issues. The collaboration that ensues is truly special.

Sarah F.

Rachel met me where I was. She was so very present, and articulate, and really gave space for seeing me. Even in my first session, I left with real tools to practice with, they felt personal and specific to me.

Seth S.

I’ve never done any type of therapy before, and wasn’t sure what to expect in the Hakomi sessions with Rachel. With each session, I am learning more about myself, as well as how this affects my relationships with others. Rachel is a wonderful and sensitive woman who creates a safe and gentle space to explore the many feelings that unravel through the Hakomi process.

Tiffany W.